Nusa dua, Bali (ANTARA News) - Upaya Indonesia agar hasil KTT APEC 2013 di Bali kali ini betul-betul memberikan manfaat bagi rakyat telah diupayakan melalui gagasan Indonesia lewat 20 Deliverables Indonesia 2013. 

Ini merupakan agenda Indonesia selaku tuan rumah pelaksanaan APEC 2013, di Nusa Dua, Bali, dalam putaran sidang puncak pada 1-8 Oktober ini.

Direktur Jenderal Asia Pasifik dan Afrika Kementerian Luar Negeri, Yuri Thamrin, di Nusa Dua, Bali, Kamis, menyatakan, itu upaya Indonesia lebih mendekatkan APEC dan hasil pertemuannya dengan rakyat.

Dokumen yang diperoleh menyebutkan, 20 gagasan Indonesia itu telah selesai dan tertuang dalam kertas kerja yang menjelaskan secara detail tiga prioritas besar yang diusung Indonesia dalam KTT APEC 2013.

Tiga prioritas itu adalah Attaining the Bogor Goals, Achieving Sustainable Growth with Equity, dan Promoting Connectivity. 

Attaining the Bogor Goals:
  1. Supporting the Multilateral Trading Systems and WTO 9th Ministerial Conference. 
  2. Improving Trade on Services.
  3. Promoting a set of principles (RICE/ Resilient, Inclusive and Innovative, Connected, and Equitable) in pursuing trade and investment liberalization and facilitation under the Bogor Goals. 
  4. Understanding Current Challenges in Trade Financing.
  5. Promoting Products which Contribute to Green Growth, Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation
Achieving Sustainable Growth with Equity:
  1. Enhancing SMEs Global Competitiveness dan SMEs and Women. 
  2. Women as Economic Drivers.
  3. Aligning Farmers and Fishers into the Global Food Chain dan Promoting Road Map on Food Security 2020.
  4. Enhacing Financial Inclusion by Promoting Financial Access through Innovative Delivery Channels and Financial Eligibility through Innovative Approach. 
  5. Recommendation on the Development of Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine.
  6. Mainstreaming Ocean-related Issues Through Cross-sectoral Cooperation in APEC.
  7. Outcome of Chief Science Advisers Meeting and Equivalent (CSA).
  8. Promoting Clean, Renewable, and Sustainable Use of Energy in the APEC Region.
  9. Model of Sustainable Healthcare System.
  10. Promoting Cooperation in the APEC Region in Combating Corruption.
Promoting Connectivity:
  1. Developing APEC Framework on Connectivity as a Long Term Vision in the Asia Pacific Region.
  2. Multi-Year Plan on Infrastructure Development and Investment. 
  3. Emergency Response Travel Facilitation (ERTF), (4) Work Plan on Promoting Cross-Border Education Cooperation. 
  4. The Travel Facilitation Initiative to Enhance Cooperation in Tourism Sector and Support People-to-PeopleConnectivity.

Pewarta: Benny S Butarbutar
Editor: Ade P Marboen