Milan (ANTARA News) - Mario Balotelli akan menerima hukuman larangan bertanding setelah dianggap memprovokasi pendukung Cagliari pada pertandingan Liga Italia Serie A pekan ke-21 yang dimenangkan AC Milan 2-1, Minggu (26/1). 

Balotelli mencetak gol penyama kedudukan melalui tendangan bebas di menit ke-87 dihadapan pendukung tuan rumah Cagliari.

Usai mencetak gol, Balotelli berpaling kehadapan pendukung Cagliari dan membuat gerakan vulgar. Hal itu terlihat oleh wasit dan Balotelli diperingatkan atas perilakunya yang tidak sportif itu.

Dilaporkan dari laman Reuters (26/1), penyerang Italia keturunan Ghana tersebut akan dihukum larangan bertanding atas perayaan golnya tersebut. Ia juga terlibat perkelahian dengan pemain Cagliari dan harus ditenang oleh rekan setimnya, Kaka. 

Larangan bertanding Balotelli akan berlaku pada pertandingan Liga pekan ke 22 kala AC Milan menjamu Torino, (2/2).

"Supermario" sudah menjalani larangan tiga pertandingan musim ini karena menghina wasit pertandingan dan dikeluarkan dari lapangan di akhir pertandingan kala melawan Napoli. 

Jika Balotelli menerima hukuman lagi, maka ia terancam dijatuhi hukuman kode etik oleh pelatih Italia, Cesare Prandelli, dan namanya kemungkinan akan di coret untuk pertandingan berikutnya, demikian Reuters dan Football Italia.


2 sumber:

Balotelli booked for provoking Cagliari fans

(Reuters) - Mario Balotelli could be in hot water again after he was booked for provoking Cagliari supporters after scoring against the Sardinian side in AC Milan's 2-1 win on Sunday.

Balotelli scored the equaliser from a 87th minute free kick at the end of the ground packed by Cagliari fans and the Gazzetta dello Sport showed a photograph of the maverick forward making what it described as a "vulgar gesture".

The forward was booked for his celebration, became involved in an angry altercation with Cagliari players shortly afterwards and had to be calmed down by team mate Kaka.

"Supermario" has already served a three-match ban this season for insulting match officials and being sent off at the end of a match at home to Napoli.

If he is banned again, he could fall foul of Italy coach Cesare Prandelli's code of ethics and find himself dropped from their next match.


Balotelli booked for vulgar gesture

Mario Balotelli will be suspended for Milan-Torino after aiming a vulgar gesture at Cagliari fans.

The striker turned to the crowd and made the gesture after scoring a free kick to temporarily equalise at the Stadio Sant’Elia.

It was spotted by the referee, who booked Balotelli for unsporting behaviour.

As he was already on a warning Milan will have to do without SuperMario for next week’s match against Torino.

Editor: Ella Syafputri