Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Jaksa Penuntut Umum KPK memutar percakapan antara Direktur PT Biomorf Lone Indonesia Johannes Marliem dengan penyidik FBI Jonathan Holden mengenai pemberian jam tangan Richard Mille seri RM 011 seharga 135 ribu dolar AS atau Rp1,35 miliar.

Dalam rekaman pembicaraan itu Marliem mengaku bahwa Setya Novanto mengeluhkan jam tangannya yang rusak sehingga Marliem pun membelikan jam baru untuk Setnov, yang uangnya juga berasal dari pengusaha Andi Agustinus atau Andi Narogong. Jam diberikan saat ulang tahun Setnov di Jakarta.

"Menurut cerita Pak Johanes Marliem, Pak Nov dan keluarga ke sana (AS), lalu Johanes Marliem beli jam baru dan diserahkan ke rumah, saya sendiri yang menyerahkan tapi saya lupa apakah Johanes Marliem juga ikut atau tidak," kata Andi di Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (TIpikor) Jakarta, Senin malam.

Jam itu lalu dikembalikan lagi oleh Setnov pada awal 2017 kepada Andi Narogong saat kasus KTP-E mencuat. Andi lalu menjualnya kepada toko jam di Melawai dan mendapat Rp1,15 miliar.

Pembicaraan itu adalah sebagai berikut:

JM : I actually give it this to KPK and I said that well what happened is I give it to andi and then what happened is broken in difference store (suara tidak jelas)

Male (Jonathan Holden): Well I heard that you said it broke

JM: Ya it broke and then when I actually brought to a service go back to the store

Male : Who send it back to you

JM : Andi

Male : And you give it to Andi or you made with Andi

Jm: Wmmmhh I give it I give it to Andi

Male : Where in indonesia?

JM : In Indonesia

Male : So you made him and you give it to him? What is the purpose?

JM : He want he ask me to go buy from the us because at the time is cheaper

Male: Did he give the money for it?

JM : He give it

Male : Ok

JM : And then is ok go buy so i give it to him

Male : Mmmhh how much the watch cost?

JM : About hundred something hundred twenty hundred thirty

Male : So I need you talk about the bribery and you talk about what you did know that other people probably put you in this position force you to do it and didn?t give you any option I understand that I probably put you the same thing if I was in your position but that?s what I need you to talk about

JM : I`m sorry sir if you asking me if I bribe any officers directly? The answer is

Male : Directly or indirectly give or them gift or anything you know what a bribe is

JM : Yeah

Male : You nobody know what a CPA as on my stay my operating this room when you mention it two or three times already so that?s what I?m talking about

JM : For a gift there's nothing more than an iPad as a gift to the other this is why we....

Male : What about the watch?

JM : The watch that one is to andi

Male : More has to tell Andi

Jm : So Andi ask me to go buy it and this is what I actually I expense to

Male : OK

Johannes Marliem ditemukan tewas di rumahnya di Los Angeles pada Kamis (10/8) dini hari, 10 Agustus waktu setempat. Berdasarkan pemberitaan media di Amerika Serikat, Johannes ditulis tewas akibat bunuh diri.

Sebelum tewas, Johannes diketahui pernah menyampaikan kekhawatiran mendapat ancaman ke media dan Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban (LPSK) apalagi Johannes juga pernah berbicara di salah satu media massa bahwa ia memiliki bukti rekaman percakapan yang diduga melibatkan pihak-pihak lainnya dalam kasus korupsi KTP-E.

Pewarta: Desca Lidya Natalia
Editor: Ruslan Burhani