Makkah (ANTARA News) - Hajj pilgrims can buy coupons for their sacrificial animals online at The new service, which was offered by Islamic Development Bank, operates on a coupon system and guarantees the lowest prices for sheep, according to Khaled Nazer, who heads IDB`s information and external-relations (devotion) operations. "There are five types of coupons with various pictures and colors depending on the type of offering such as Hady Qiran, Hady Tamatu, Udhia, Fidia, or Sadakah." said Nazer. He said that under the online project, a sheep would cost SR310 plus SR72 for slaughtering and chilling and SR7.44 for transportation and distribution, taking the total price to SR390. "This project makes sure the religious and health requirements are met," he told IINA. The Kingdom has readied more than half million heads of sheep at suitable prices for the forthcoming Haj season. IDB has been entrusted with the task of implementing Saudi Arabia`s Program for Utilizing Sacrificial Meat and it has been carrying out the program successfully since several years. (*)

Pewarta: surya
Editor: Suryanto